The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield has for nearly 50 years been subservient to Birmingham City council. The disparity in the revenue collected from Sutton vs the investment back in our beautiful town is glaring. Take the chronic under-investment in Sutton Park, the jewel in Royal Sutton Coldfield, its crumbling! All whilst BCC whittles away our hard earnt money on ill-thought through and poorly executed 'pet' projects such as the Oracle IT system.
By becoming an independent town, we can have the power to make decisions that directly benefit our community.
Sutton Park is a natural treasure that is in desperate need of investment. As an independent town, we can prioritize its preservation.
Birmingham City Council's mismanagement of funds has resulted in wasteful spending on unnecessary projects. We can put an end to it.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Royal Sutton Coldfield should return to the people of Sutton Coldfield. Join us in the campaign to be an independent town.
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